HN03: Al Hidayah Fil Nahw PART 3
This is a classical Arabic grammar manual that covers the fundamentals of Arabic Grammar in extensive detail .This course will be ideal for any student who has studied the Madina books ( Books 1-3), Commentary of the Ajrummiyah or equivalent, and wants to take this knowledge to the next level in order to be able to master Arabic Grammar and to begin studies in Rhetoric. The book will be read in Arabic and expounded upon in great detail. The lessons covered are from Al-tawaabi' - the nouns that follow until we complete the section on nouns.
This course is a prerequisite for HN04
This course is a prerequisite for HN04
Lesson 1: The nouns that follow (Al-Tawaabi') Part 1. The Na'at (Adjective). The 2 types of Na'at (Haqeeqi and Sababi). Linguistic discussions related to the Na'at with examples from the Quran. [40:26 minutes]
Lesson 2: The nouns that follow (Al-Tawaabi') Part 2. Joining with conjunctions. When is joining not permissible. Further discussions not covered in the book with examples from the Quran. [25:17 minutes]
Lesson 3: The nouns that follow (Al-Tawaabi') Part 3. Emphasis ( Ta'keed). The 2 main reasons for using Ta'keed . The different methods one can use to emphasis different aspects of a sentence. Emphasis in the Quran. Further discussions not covered in the book related to Ta'keed. [25:28 minutes]
Lesson 4: The nouns that follow (Al-Tawaabi') Part 4. The Substitute ( Badal). The 4 types of Badal with examples. Rules related to when the Badal and the followed word don't match in definiteness. When is badal allowed and when it is not. The Joining clarifier ( Atf Al-Bayan). Examples in and outside the Quran. How is it related to the Na'at and Badal, and how does it differ. [28:56 minutes]
Lesson 5:Reasons for Nouns to be Mabni and how they are analyzed grammatically. Introduction to the 8 types of Ism Mabni. 1st type of the Ism Mabni, the person pronouns ( Al-Mudhmaraat). Linguistic discussion on the attached and detached personal pronouns. [32:05 minutes]
Lesson 6:1st type of the Ism Mabni, the person pronouns ( Al-Mudhmaraat) continued. Dhamir Al Sha'in ( the pronoun of importance) and Dhamir Al Fasl ( the pronoun of separation). A detailed linguistic analysis of both these pronouns and how they are used in and outside the Quran. [32:37 minutes]
Lesson 7: 2nd type of the Ism Mabni, Demonstrative pronouns (Asmaa Al-Ishaarah). In-depth discussion on the personal pronouns. Rhetorical and grammatical discussions related to the demonstrative pronouns. 4 adverbs of place used to indicate. A detailed linguistic analysis of how they are used both in and outside the Quran. [32:44 minutes]
Lesson 8: 3rd type of the Ism Mabni, Relative pronouns (Asmaa Mawsoola). In-depth discussion on the relative pronouns. Rhetorical and grammatical discussions related to the demonstrative pronouns. A detailed linguistic analysis of how they are used both in and outside the Quran. The Relative pronoun as an adjective. [38:57 minutes]
Lesson 9: 4th, 5th and 6th type of the Ism Mabni: Nouns used for a verb, Nouns used for a sound and the compound nouns. In-depth discussion on these 3 types of nouns. [20:12 minutes]
Lesson 10: 7th type of the Ism Mabni, Ambiguous nouns (Al Kinayaat). In-depth discussion on the Ambiguous nouns. Detailed discussion of the the noun كَمْ and its 2 usages: interrogative and informative . Rhetorical and grammatical discussions related to كَمْ and كأَيِّن . A detailed linguistic analysis of how they are used both in and outside the Quran. [33:45 minutes]
Lesson 11: 8th type of the Ism Mabni, Adverbs. In-depth discussion on the Adverbs that are Mabni. Al-Ghayaat (positional adverbs), حَيْثُ , إذا, إذ, أَيْنَ ، وَأنَّى, مَتى , كَيْفَ, أَيَّانَ, مُذْ ،وَمُنْذُ, لَدَى ، ولَدُنْ, قَطُّ , عَوْضُ . An adverb that is made mudhaaf to a sentence. Further grammatical discussions related to adverbs. [41:20 minutes]
Lesson 12: The 6 types of definite nouns, The levels of definiteness, Indefiniteness. An example in the Quran highlighting rhetorical differences between definiteness and indefiniteness: Quran 2:61 vs 3:112. [21:23 minutes]
Lesson 13: A detailed lesson on how to count in Arabic. Counting from 1 to 100,000. Difference of opinions on number constructions. Discussion on the mumayyiz (the noun that clarifies). Further linguistic discussion on bringing a number as a Na'at, different number constructions and a comparison between the words وَاحِدٌ and أَحَدٌ in Arabic. [48:56 minutes]
Lesson 14: Masculinity and Femininity, the 4 signs of femininity, true and figurative femininity. Duality and how to construct duals ( sound nouns, nouns that end with weak letters). Linguistic discussions related to the Dual. [25:06 minutes]
Lesson 15: Plurals: Spoken and estimated Plurality. The sound masculine and feminine Plurals, grammatical discussions related to their formation. Which Nouns or Adjectives are made on these patterns. Grammatical discussion on the Broken Plural. The lesser and greater plural patterns and their usage. It is highly recommended to also study this short course to give you further important information: PLURALS IN THE QURAN [41:01 minutes]
Lesson 16: Verbal Noun ( المَصْدَر),Active Participle ( اسْمِ الفاعِل ) and Passive Participle( اسْمُ المَفْعُولِ ). linguistic discussions on the verbal noun, discussion on its use as a verb. linguistic discussions on both the active and passive participle, when can it be used with its verb like meaning, examples from the Quran. It is highly recommended to also study this short course to give you further important information: Linguistic aspects related to the Verbal Noun [45:35 minutes]
Lesson 17: The Sifah Mushabaha (الصِّفَةُ المُشَبَّهَةُ) and Ism Tafdheel (اسْمُ التَّفْضِيلِ). The Adjective that resembles the active participle and the superlative noun. Linguistic discussions on both nouns and their usages. The Ism Mubalagha ( hyperbolic noun) and its relationship to the Sifah Mushabaha. Examples from both inside and outside the Quran. [42:53 minutes]
Lesson 1: The nouns that follow (Al-Tawaabi') Part 1. The Na'at (Adjective). The 2 types of Na'at (Haqeeqi and Sababi). Linguistic discussions related to the Na'at with examples from the Quran. [40:26 minutes]
Lesson 2: The nouns that follow (Al-Tawaabi') Part 2. Joining with conjunctions. When is joining not permissible. Further discussions not covered in the book with examples from the Quran. [25:17 minutes]
Lesson 3: The nouns that follow (Al-Tawaabi') Part 3. Emphasis ( Ta'keed). The 2 main reasons for using Ta'keed . The different methods one can use to emphasis different aspects of a sentence. Emphasis in the Quran. Further discussions not covered in the book related to Ta'keed. [25:28 minutes]
Lesson 4: The nouns that follow (Al-Tawaabi') Part 4. The Substitute ( Badal). The 4 types of Badal with examples. Rules related to when the Badal and the followed word don't match in definiteness. When is badal allowed and when it is not. The Joining clarifier ( Atf Al-Bayan). Examples in and outside the Quran. How is it related to the Na'at and Badal, and how does it differ. [28:56 minutes]
Lesson 5:Reasons for Nouns to be Mabni and how they are analyzed grammatically. Introduction to the 8 types of Ism Mabni. 1st type of the Ism Mabni, the person pronouns ( Al-Mudhmaraat). Linguistic discussion on the attached and detached personal pronouns. [32:05 minutes]
Lesson 6:1st type of the Ism Mabni, the person pronouns ( Al-Mudhmaraat) continued. Dhamir Al Sha'in ( the pronoun of importance) and Dhamir Al Fasl ( the pronoun of separation). A detailed linguistic analysis of both these pronouns and how they are used in and outside the Quran. [32:37 minutes]
Lesson 7: 2nd type of the Ism Mabni, Demonstrative pronouns (Asmaa Al-Ishaarah). In-depth discussion on the personal pronouns. Rhetorical and grammatical discussions related to the demonstrative pronouns. 4 adverbs of place used to indicate. A detailed linguistic analysis of how they are used both in and outside the Quran. [32:44 minutes]
Lesson 8: 3rd type of the Ism Mabni, Relative pronouns (Asmaa Mawsoola). In-depth discussion on the relative pronouns. Rhetorical and grammatical discussions related to the demonstrative pronouns. A detailed linguistic analysis of how they are used both in and outside the Quran. The Relative pronoun as an adjective. [38:57 minutes]
Lesson 9: 4th, 5th and 6th type of the Ism Mabni: Nouns used for a verb, Nouns used for a sound and the compound nouns. In-depth discussion on these 3 types of nouns. [20:12 minutes]
Lesson 10: 7th type of the Ism Mabni, Ambiguous nouns (Al Kinayaat). In-depth discussion on the Ambiguous nouns. Detailed discussion of the the noun كَمْ and its 2 usages: interrogative and informative . Rhetorical and grammatical discussions related to كَمْ and كأَيِّن . A detailed linguistic analysis of how they are used both in and outside the Quran. [33:45 minutes]
Lesson 11: 8th type of the Ism Mabni, Adverbs. In-depth discussion on the Adverbs that are Mabni. Al-Ghayaat (positional adverbs), حَيْثُ , إذا, إذ, أَيْنَ ، وَأنَّى, مَتى , كَيْفَ, أَيَّانَ, مُذْ ،وَمُنْذُ, لَدَى ، ولَدُنْ, قَطُّ , عَوْضُ . An adverb that is made mudhaaf to a sentence. Further grammatical discussions related to adverbs. [41:20 minutes]
Lesson 12: The 6 types of definite nouns, The levels of definiteness, Indefiniteness. An example in the Quran highlighting rhetorical differences between definiteness and indefiniteness: Quran 2:61 vs 3:112. [21:23 minutes]
Lesson 13: A detailed lesson on how to count in Arabic. Counting from 1 to 100,000. Difference of opinions on number constructions. Discussion on the mumayyiz (the noun that clarifies). Further linguistic discussion on bringing a number as a Na'at, different number constructions and a comparison between the words وَاحِدٌ and أَحَدٌ in Arabic. [48:56 minutes]
Lesson 14: Masculinity and Femininity, the 4 signs of femininity, true and figurative femininity. Duality and how to construct duals ( sound nouns, nouns that end with weak letters). Linguistic discussions related to the Dual. [25:06 minutes]
Lesson 15: Plurals: Spoken and estimated Plurality. The sound masculine and feminine Plurals, grammatical discussions related to their formation. Which Nouns or Adjectives are made on these patterns. Grammatical discussion on the Broken Plural. The lesser and greater plural patterns and their usage. It is highly recommended to also study this short course to give you further important information: PLURALS IN THE QURAN [41:01 minutes]
Lesson 16: Verbal Noun ( المَصْدَر),Active Participle ( اسْمِ الفاعِل ) and Passive Participle( اسْمُ المَفْعُولِ ). linguistic discussions on the verbal noun, discussion on its use as a verb. linguistic discussions on both the active and passive participle, when can it be used with its verb like meaning, examples from the Quran. It is highly recommended to also study this short course to give you further important information: Linguistic aspects related to the Verbal Noun [45:35 minutes]
Lesson 17: The Sifah Mushabaha (الصِّفَةُ المُشَبَّهَةُ) and Ism Tafdheel (اسْمُ التَّفْضِيلِ). The Adjective that resembles the active participle and the superlative noun. Linguistic discussions on both nouns and their usages. The Ism Mubalagha ( hyperbolic noun) and its relationship to the Sifah Mushabaha. Examples from both inside and outside the Quran. [42:53 minutes]
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