HN02: Al Hidayah Fil Nahw PART 2

Advanced Grammar | Al Hidayah Fil Nahw Part 2
This is a classical Arabic grammar manual that covers the fundamentals of Arabic Grammar in extensive detail. This course will be ideal for any student who has studied the Madina books (Books 1-3), Commentary of the Ajrummiyah or equivalent, and wants to take this knowledge to the next level in order to master Arabic Grammar and begin studies in Rhetoric. The book will be read in Arabic and expounded upon in great detail.
The course rigorously follows the classical text "Hidayah fil Nahw," starting from the lessons covering the Nominative case nouns until the end of Accusative nouns. All relevant handouts will be provided.
This course is a prerequisite for HN03
This is a classical Arabic grammar manual that covers the fundamentals of Arabic Grammar in extensive detail. This course will be ideal for any student who has studied the Madina books (Books 1-3), Commentary of the Ajrummiyah or equivalent, and wants to take this knowledge to the next level in order to master Arabic Grammar and begin studies in Rhetoric. The book will be read in Arabic and expounded upon in great detail.
The course rigorously follows the classical text "Hidayah fil Nahw," starting from the lessons covering the Nominative case nouns until the end of Accusative nouns. All relevant handouts will be provided.
This course is a prerequisite for HN03
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Lesson 1: The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 1. Introduction. The Doer (Fael) of the verb.
Lesson 2: The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 2. The Naeb Fa'el. Introduction to the Mubtada and khabar. When can the Mubtada and Khabar be definite or indefinite?
Lesson 3: The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 3. The different types of khabar. When the khabar is omitted. The pronoun in the khabar that refers to the mubtada ( the 'aaid) and situations when it is omitted. When the khabar can be put in front. Another category of the mubtada that is a descriptive noun that acts like a verb.
Lesson 4:The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 4. The khabar of the particles that resemble the verb. 3 manners of how these particles resemble the verb. Grammatical discussion related to the Khabar of these particles. Permissibility and obligation of bringing the adverbial phrase in front of the subject of Inna.
Lesson 5:The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 5. The Ism of Kana and its sisters, their meanings and further linguistic discussions.
Lesson 6:The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 6. The Ism of the 4 particles thar resemble Laysa. Condition when they affect the khabar. Discussion on the particle Laata. The khabar of the Laa that negates the genus.
Lesson 1: The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 1. Introduction. The Doer (Fael) of the verb.
Lesson 2: The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 2. The Naeb Fa'el. Introduction to the Mubtada and khabar. When can the Mubtada and Khabar be definite or indefinite?
Lesson 3: The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 3. The different types of khabar. When the khabar is omitted. The pronoun in the khabar that refers to the mubtada ( the 'aaid) and situations when it is omitted. When the khabar can be put in front. Another category of the mubtada that is a descriptive noun that acts like a verb.
Lesson 4:The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 4. The khabar of the particles that resemble the verb. 3 manners of how these particles resemble the verb. Grammatical discussion related to the Khabar of these particles. Permissibility and obligation of bringing the adverbial phrase in front of the subject of Inna.
Lesson 5:The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 5. The Ism of Kana and its sisters, their meanings and further linguistic discussions.
Lesson 6:The Nominative Nouns ( Al Marfoo'aat) Part 6. The Ism of the 4 particles thar resemble Laysa. Condition when they affect the khabar. Discussion on the particle Laata. The khabar of the Laa that negates the genus.
Lesson 7: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 1. Al-Mafool Al- Mutlaq ( Absolute object) and their 3 meanings. How is differs from other mafools. The masdars denoting one instance of the action and the type. When is it's verb ommited? discussion on the Deputy of the Absolute object.
Lesson 8: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 2. Al-Mafool Bihi ( Direct object). Situations when it is permissible to omit its verb ( response to a question) Situations when it is obligatory to omit its verb (usage of the arabs, warning, Ishtighaal). [26:01 minutes]
Lesson 9: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 2b. The fourth instance when it is obligatory to omit The verb of the Mafool Bihi: Al Munaada ( the called). What is the omitted verb? Omission of the vocative particle. The 4 types of Munaada, abbreviating the munaada, particles of Grief and sorrow.
Lesson 10: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 3. Al-Mafool Feehi - Tharf ( The adverb of time and place). Discussion on the defined and undefined adverbs of place and time. When is a noun considered an adverb. It's association with the particle fee. Discussion on the Tharf that is mabni, Murab, mudaf. Discussion on the word Yawm with examples from inside and outside the Quran.
Lesson 11: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 4. Al-Mafool Lahu - (Mafool of reason). Discussion on the Mafool Lahu and the conditions needed to be included in this category of nouns. When is the Laam of reason estimated and when is is it mentioned. What is the difference of opinion in the Basran and Kufan schools. 2 examples from the Quran.
Lesson 12: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 5. Al-Mafool Ma'ahu - (Mafool of Companionship). Discussion on the Mafool Ma'ahu. Why is it needed? The i'raab of the word after the waaw of companionship. The difference in meaning between the waaw of companionship and Ma'a.
Lesson 13: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 6. Al-Haal ( the state). Discussion on the agent of change of the Haal and when it is omitted. The Haal related to the demonstrative pronoun. Discussion on the difference between the Haal and Sifah. When is a Haal brought before the described noun. The Haal as a sentence and its conditions.
Lesson 14: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 7. Al-Tamyeez ( the clarifier). Discussion on the Tamyeez that clarifies a measurement and the one that clarifies an association. A mansub noun sharing 2 possible meanings. The difference between the Tamyeez and Mudaaf Ilayhi. Changing the doer or object of a sentence to a Tamyeez and the rhetorical aspects related to it. An example of Balagha used in the Quran related to Tamyeez.
Lesson 15: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 8. Al-Istithnaa ( the exception). The different words used for exceptions. The different types of exceptions. The different grammatical state(s) of the exception. Detailed discussion on the particle illa and the noun ghayr.
Lesson 16: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 9. The Khabr of Kana ans its sisters, The Ism Inna and its sisters, the Ism of the Laa that negates the genus. A detailed discussion on the Laa of negation. In-depth discussion of the Laa of negation used in the Quran and precise word structures.
Lesson 17: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 9. The Khabr of Maa and Laa that resembles Laysa. Difference of opinion between Banu Al Hijaaz and Banu Tameem .
Lesson 18: The genitive Nouns ( Al Majrooraat). the Ism Majroor. Idhaafa and the 2 types: meaning vs spoken. Detailed explanation of spoken Idhaafa and examples from the Quran. Discussion on Yaa Al-mutakallim. Further discussions not covered in the book -Omission of the Mudhaaf and the estimation of the kaaf of resemblance.
Lesson 8: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 2. Al-Mafool Bihi ( Direct object). Situations when it is permissible to omit its verb ( response to a question) Situations when it is obligatory to omit its verb (usage of the arabs, warning, Ishtighaal). [26:01 minutes]
Lesson 9: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 2b. The fourth instance when it is obligatory to omit The verb of the Mafool Bihi: Al Munaada ( the called). What is the omitted verb? Omission of the vocative particle. The 4 types of Munaada, abbreviating the munaada, particles of Grief and sorrow.
Lesson 10: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 3. Al-Mafool Feehi - Tharf ( The adverb of time and place). Discussion on the defined and undefined adverbs of place and time. When is a noun considered an adverb. It's association with the particle fee. Discussion on the Tharf that is mabni, Murab, mudaf. Discussion on the word Yawm with examples from inside and outside the Quran.
Lesson 11: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 4. Al-Mafool Lahu - (Mafool of reason). Discussion on the Mafool Lahu and the conditions needed to be included in this category of nouns. When is the Laam of reason estimated and when is is it mentioned. What is the difference of opinion in the Basran and Kufan schools. 2 examples from the Quran.
Lesson 12: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 5. Al-Mafool Ma'ahu - (Mafool of Companionship). Discussion on the Mafool Ma'ahu. Why is it needed? The i'raab of the word after the waaw of companionship. The difference in meaning between the waaw of companionship and Ma'a.
Lesson 13: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 6. Al-Haal ( the state). Discussion on the agent of change of the Haal and when it is omitted. The Haal related to the demonstrative pronoun. Discussion on the difference between the Haal and Sifah. When is a Haal brought before the described noun. The Haal as a sentence and its conditions.
Lesson 14: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 7. Al-Tamyeez ( the clarifier). Discussion on the Tamyeez that clarifies a measurement and the one that clarifies an association. A mansub noun sharing 2 possible meanings. The difference between the Tamyeez and Mudaaf Ilayhi. Changing the doer or object of a sentence to a Tamyeez and the rhetorical aspects related to it. An example of Balagha used in the Quran related to Tamyeez.
Lesson 15: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 8. Al-Istithnaa ( the exception). The different words used for exceptions. The different types of exceptions. The different grammatical state(s) of the exception. Detailed discussion on the particle illa and the noun ghayr.
Lesson 16: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 9. The Khabr of Kana ans its sisters, The Ism Inna and its sisters, the Ism of the Laa that negates the genus. A detailed discussion on the Laa of negation. In-depth discussion of the Laa of negation used in the Quran and precise word structures.
Lesson 17: The Accusative Nouns ( Al Mansubaat) Part 9. The Khabr of Maa and Laa that resembles Laysa. Difference of opinion between Banu Al Hijaaz and Banu Tameem .
Lesson 18: The genitive Nouns ( Al Majrooraat). the Ism Majroor. Idhaafa and the 2 types: meaning vs spoken. Detailed explanation of spoken Idhaafa and examples from the Quran. Discussion on Yaa Al-mutakallim. Further discussions not covered in the book -Omission of the Mudhaaf and the estimation of the kaaf of resemblance.
HN02: Al Hidayah Fil Nahw PART 2
This is a classical Arabic grammar manual that covers the fundamentals of Arabic Grammar in extensive detail .This course will be ideal for any student who has studied the Madina books ( Books 1-3), Commentary of the Ajrummiyah or equivalent, and wants to take this knowledge to the next level in order to be able to master Arabic Grammar and to begin studies in Rhetoric. The book will be read in Arabic and expounded upon in great detail. The lessons covered are from Nominative case Nouns until the end of Accusative nouns..
This course is a prerequisite for HN03